
Welcome to the Village Empire Cake!

Join us in welcoming Empire Cake to the Village. We chatted with co-owners Eric & Jim about their shop, why they decided to bring their business to the Village, and their favorite part of being in the Neighborhood.

Welcome to the Village Empire Cake!

Join us in welcoming Empire Cake to the Village. We chatted with co-owners Eric & Jim about their shop, why they decided to bring their business to the Village, and their favorite part of being in the Neighborhood.

The owners as kids—they’ve been in the game a while!

Meet Empire Cake:

What’s the name of your business, and how long since you opened your store in the Village?

We started Empire Cake in Chelsea, at 8th Avenue and 16th Street, in 2010.  And on December 23 we opened our second location, here in Greenwich Village at 450 6th Avenue (between West 10th and West 11th Streets).

Why did you choose the Village for your business?

Greenwich Village has always been our favorite neighborhood in Manhattan, and each of the co-owners has lived here for decades.  The neighborhood has always been known as a home to unique, interesting businesses, both neighborhood favorites and one-of-a-kind destinations for visitors to the city, and we aspire to be both.  And we love that we’re occupying the long-vacant space that was once the home of Jefferson Market, our favorite grocery store years ago.

What is Empire Cake known for?

We focus on American-style baking but with a gourmet twist, and feature fresh-baked cakes, cupcakes, cookies, breakfast pastries, brownies and bars, and sophisticated versions of classic snack treats, including our own “twinkies,” “snowballs” and Swiss rolls.  We are also known all over the city for our custom-decorated cakes, which range from traditional tiered wedding cakes to one-of-a-kind creations for birthdays and other celebrations, corporate events, and advertising and fashion editorials. 

An example of Empire Cake’s expert handiwork.

Besides Empire Cake, which businesses in the Village do you spend the most time at?

John’s of Bleecker St., C.O. Bigelow, Village Cinema, La Contenta Oeste, Cowgirl.

Learn more about Empire Cake and check out their work:

Empire Cake's Website