Art In the City: What NYC Has to Offer Artists and Architects

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

The Venue

Date: February 15th, at 6:30pm
Location: The Cooper Union

Forty years ago New York City enacted the Percent for Art law that requires one percent of the budget for eligible City-funded construction to be dedicated to creating public artworks. But the city’s support of art and design includes much more than what the Percent for Art law provides. From grants and fellowships to installations and even city jobs, join panelists from different city agencies to learn about different opportunities offered to architects and artists. Panelists include Xenia Diente, Cooper Union School of Art alumna and Public Art Deputy Director, Project Excellence with the Department of Design and Construction; Kendal Henry, Assistant Commissioner, Public Art, with NYC Department of Cultural Affairs; Nina Marren, Acting Director of the Department of Transportation’s Art Program; and Elizabeth Masella, Senior Public Art Coordinator for NYC Parks. Whitney Oldenburg, director of The Cooper Union Center for Career Development, moderates.  

Learn more here.

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