An Eclectic History: Village Preservation’s South of Union Square Proposed Historic District

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

The Venue

Date: February 24th at 6pm
Location: Virtual

The area of our neighborhoods located south of Union Square represent an eclectic history, chock full artistic movements, industrial growth, labor/civil rights struggles, immigrant heritage, and much much more we have yet to discover. Village Preservation has been seeking landmark protections for this area between 14th and 9th Streets, 5th and 3rd Avenue for years, as increasing pressure for luxury condo and tech development has resulted in demolition of more and more historic structures, and out-of-scale, out-of-context new development. They’re welcoming Anna Marcum and Sarah Eccles, their preservation team, to candidly discuss the ongoing process to landmark the district and to learn more about its irreplaceable contribution to neighborhoods’ historical narrative.

Learn more here.

Location, Location, Location